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96-well PCR Microplates and Sealing Mats for 0.2 mL Thermal Cycler Blocks
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Axygen® 96-well PCR microplates are designed to fit standard 96-well blocks. The consistent and ultra-thin wall allows precise thermal transfer for optimum results. Microplates can be sealed with 8- or 12-strip caps, Axygen AxyMats, or sealing film.
No Skirt, Flat Top, Low Profile
Clear, thin wall well bottom
Compatibility: Standard Biometra thermal cyclers, Eppendorf MasterCycler qPCR, MJ Opticon/ Chromo4 qPCR
Sealing options: AxyMats, heat sealing, adhesive films and foils, flat and domed cap strips
Volume to brim of well: 210 μL; working volume: 180 μL; volume with AxyMat: 100 μL
Maximum G-force: 4,000 RCF
Cat. No. Volume (μL) Color Description Packaging
PCR-96-LP-FLT-C 100 Clear 96-well, no skirt, low profile 5/sleeve, 5 sleeves/pk, 4 pk/cs
PCR-96-LP-FLT -W 100 White 96-well, no skirt, low profile 5/sleeve, 5 sleeves/pk, 4 pk/cs
AM-96-PCR-RD – – 96-well PCR sealing mat 10/pk, 5 pk/cs
No Skirt, Elevated Wells
Clear, thin wall well bottom
Compatibility: Standard thermal cycling, no skirt Stratagene MX4000, elevated wells Megabace sequencer
Sealing options: AxyMats, heat sealing, adhesive films and foils, fit and domed cap strips
Volume to brim of well: 350 μL; working volume: 300 μL; volume with AxyMat: 240 μL
Maximum G-force: 4,000 RCF
Cat. No. Volume (μL) Color Description Packaging
PCR - 96 - C 200 Clear 96-well, no skirt 10/pk, 5 pk/cs
PCR-96- MB -C 200 Clear 96-well, no skirt, elevated wells 10/pk, 5 pk/cs
AM-96-PCR-RD – – 96-well PCR sealing mat 10/pk, 5 pk/cs
No Skirt, Flat Top
Clear, thin wall well bottom
Compatibility: Standard thermal cycling, BioRad qPCR systems, Stratagene MX-3000
Sealing options: AxyMats, heat sealing, adhesive films and foils, fit and domed cap strips
Volume to brim of well: 330 μL; working volume: 300 μL; volume with AxyMat: 270 μL
Maximum G-force: 4,000 RCF
Cat. No. Volume (μL) Color Description Packaging
PCR-96-FLT-C 200 Clear 96-well, no skirt 5/sleeve, 5 sleeves/pk, 4 pk/cs
AM-96-PCR-RD – – 96-well PCR sealing mat 10/pk, 5 pk/cs
Half Skirt, Low Profile
Optimized for Fast PCR
Reduced volume minimizes potential evaporation
Compatibility: ABI Fast PCR 7500, 7900 Fast, 9800, Veriti, and StepOne
Sealing options: AxyMats, heat sealing, adhesive films and foils, fit and domed cap strips
Volume to brim of well: 240 μL; working volume: 200 μL; volume with AxyMat: 140 μL
Maximum G-force: 4,000 RCF
Cat. No. Volume (μL) Color Description Packaging
Half Skirt
Cut-away notches for perfect plate positioning
Consistently thin walls for reduced cycle times and reproducible results
Optional bar coding
Compatibility: Roche 480 LightCycler®
Sealing option: Adhesive films
Volume to brim of well: 210 μL; working volume: 190 μL; volume with UC-500: 120 μL
Maximum G-force: 4,000 RCF
Cat. No. Volume (μL) Color Description Packaging
PCR-96-LC480-C-NF 100 Clear
PCR-96-LC480-W 100 White
PCR-96-LC480-W-BC 100 White
PCR-96-LC480-W-NF 100 White
UC-500 – –
Half Skirt, Elevated Frame
Single notch corner
Compatibility: ABI Real Time PCR 7300, 7500, 7900
Sealing Options: AxyMats, heat sealing, adhesive films and foils, fit and domed cap strips
Volume to brim of well: 335 μL; working volume: 300 μL; volume with AxyMat: 260 μL
Maximum G-force: 4,000 RCF
Cat. No. Volume (μL) Color Description Packaging
PCR-96-AB-C 200 Clear 96-well, elevated skirt 10/pk, 5 pk/cs
AM-96-PCR-RD – – 96-well PCR sealing mat 10/pk, 5 pk/cs
Half Skirt
Clear, thin wall well bottom
Compatibility: Standard thermal sequence cyclers, ABI PCR 2700, 2720, 9700, 9800, 7300, 7500, 7900, and ABI sequencing units
Volume to brim of well: 340 μL, working volume: 300 μL, volume with AxyMat: 230 μL
Sealing options: AxyMats, heat sealing, adhesive films and foils, fit and domed cap strips
Maximum G-force = 4,000 RCF
Cat. No. Volume (μL) Color Description Packaging
PCR-96M2-HS-C 200 Clear 96-well, half skirt, single notch corner 10/pk, 5 pk/cs
PCR-96-HS-C 200 Clear 96-well, half skirt 10/pk, 5 pk/cs
AM-96-PCR-RD – Clear 96-well PCR sealing ma 10/pk, 5 pk/cs
Half Skirt, Segmented
Compatibility: Standard thermal sequence cyclers, Beckman CEQ Sequencers
Volume to brim of well: 340 μL, working volume: 280 μL, volume with AxyMat: 240 μL
Sealing options: AxyMats, heat sealing, adhesive films and foils, fit and domed cap strips
Maximum G-force = 4,000 RCF
Cat. No. Volume (μL) Color Description Packaging
PCR-96-SG-C 200 Clear 96-well, segmented 10/pk, 5 pk/cs
AM-96-PCR-RD – – 96-well PCR sealing mat 10/pk, 5 pk/cs
Full Skirt
Single notch corner
Clear, thin wall well bottom
Stackable, automation-compatible design
Compatibility: Standard thermal sequence cyclers, Automation friendly
Volume to brim of well: 220 μL, working volume: 190 μL, volume with AxyMat: 120 μL
Sealing options: AxyMats, heat sealing, adhesive films and foils, fit and domed cap strips
Maximum G-force = 4,000 RCF
Cat. No. Volume (μL) Color Description Packaging
PCR-96-FS-C 200 Clear 96-well, full skirt 10/pk, 5 pk/cs
AM-96-PCR-RD – – 96-well PCR sealing mat 10/pk, 5 pk/cs
100 Clear 96-well PCR microplate, low profile 5/sleeve, 5 sleeves/pk, 4 pk/cs
100 Clear 96-well PCR microplate, low profile, 5/sleeve, 5 sleeves/pk, 4 pk/cs bar coded
100 White 96-well PCR microplate, low profile 5/sleeve, 5 sleeves/pk, 4 pk/cs
– – 96-well PCR sealing mat 10/pk, 5 pk/cs
96-well PCR microplate, clear, 10/pk, 5 pk/cs
no sealing film
96-well PCR microplate, white, 10/pk, 5 pk/cs
with sealing film
96-well PCR microplate, white, 10/pk, 5 pk/cs
bar coded, with sealing film
96-well PCR microplate, white, 10/pk, 5 pk/cs
no sealing film
UltraClear film, pressure sensitive 100/pk, 5 pk/cs
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